Saturday, November 17, 2012

How to become a fit person?

Now, first off all I am a fit person, so I can speak on a subjectSmile. You may ask what defines fitness, and I agree it’s difficult to define. Because I personally do not call sports person with all kinds of traumas and sickness fit even if he or she can beat my in marathon or whatever. To me being fit means to never be sick (or fallen sick quickly recover), have no pains, and being able to run for your life efficiently if necessary.
OK here is my rules:
1. Become a runner (runners are most fit people on earth period.) Run about 30 minutes a day, note that I count not in miles but in minutes. In the beginning start from 10 min, and add 10 min every month. So 1’st month 10min a day, next 20, and next month 30 minutes a day, all 4 times a week. Make a two day break during a week. And then stop, never exceed 45 minutes a day. Above that you will start feeling pains in your foot (develop a condition).
2. After running make stretching exercises.runner_image
3. Do the these  two rules and it will be more that enough for lifeSmile. Everything else in little details, minor additions and these 2 practices will change EVERYTHING how your body functions, how strong you are and how good you feelSmile. So good luck.

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