Sunday, September 23, 2012

Can atomic power be an answer to world's energy needs?

Atomic power was, in my opinion a "surprise" invention. Albert Einstein thought of a formula, and it was like this "O we can build an electric power station out of this". And they started building, and they there successful for a most part. Power plants there built, electricity made until... "Bumm" in Chernobyl,
and then Fukushima.
So here lies the problem, word is here to stay, electricity demand is to rise, but we decide to answer this demand by atomic power, then only question remains: "Where does it end?". More atomic power plants -  more risk of an accident, nobody can prevent it, that why it is called "an accident". More radiation poisoning to innocent civilians for generation until world is not suitable for life. Sound to my life cutting the branch on which you are sitting on.
We need to thing of better way. Answer this energy question not be postponing  the problem to future generation. We need to think of renewable energy.

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